Currently taking Vortuxi

  • When to receive your next course
  • Tips for Vortuxi infusions
  • Continuing to take Vortuxi
  • What to discuss with your doctor?

Vortuxi® (rituximab) is typically given every 6 months, or based on how you're feeling and your other medical condition, you and your doctor can determine if and when you should start another course of treatment (but no sooner than every 4 months). So be open and honest with your doctor if you feel your symptoms are starting to return, It'll help you make a more informed and précised decision, together.

Sticking to your RA treatment plan

Your doctor will take decision regarding how often you should be treated depending on your medical condition. It is very important to follow that schedule.

A study showed that, of the people who saw improvement from their first course of rituximab (plus methotrexate) and then went on to receive a second course, 54% saw an additional 6 months of improvement (as opposed to 45% of people who received methotrexate alone).

And remember, even if you're not experiencing symptoms, RA can still cause damage to your joints.

As you continue to take Vortuxi® (rituximab) infusions, keep the following tips in mind. They can help make the process go smoothly.

Set aside enough time : future infusions may take less time, but they will still last several hours. So make sure you set aside enough time in your day

Bring activities : you may want to take activities such as crossword puzzles or a book to read to help you pass the time

Eating and drinking : you may be at the infusion facility for the better part of the day. So consider taking some snacks or packing a meal. Just be sure to check with the facility first that bringing food is OK

Additional medications :as always, remember to let your doctor or nurse know about any medications or supplements you're taking

Stay mindful of how you feel :even if you didn't experience reactions in the past, they may still occur with future infusions. It's important to tell your healthcare provider right away about any discomfort during or after treatment

Review the Vortuxi Medication Guide :before each infusion, remember to review the Medication Guide and ask your doctor any questions you may have

You've seen how the joint pain and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can impact your daily life. But it's also important to consider how RA can affect your body down the road. Even if your symptoms are under control, RA may still be causing permanent damage to your joints. That's why it is so important to talk to your doctor about continuing with Vortuxi® (rituximab) in combination with methotrexate.

RA symptom improvement

As you've learned, Vortuxi has been shown to work for up to 6 months after 1 course of treatment (2 infusions given 2 weeks apart). A study showed that at 6 months, 51% of the people taking Vortuxi (plus methotrexate) experienced RA symptom improvement (called an ACR20 response) as opposed to 18% of patients taking methotrexate alone.

In a study, Vortuxi with methotrexate was proven to slow joint damage after 1 year of treatment compared to methotrexate alone.