Starting on Vortuxi

  • Your first course of Vortuxi treatment:
  • What to expect from your first Vortuxi infusion?
  • Looking forward to potential benefits
  • Up to 6 months of symptom improvement
  • After your first course
  • Sticking to your RA treatment plan
  • What to discuss with your doctor

Vortuxi® (rituximab) is typically given every 6 months, or based on your doctor's evaluation of your symptoms (but no sooner than every 4 months).

  • Infusions are a relatively common form of treatment used for a variety of conditions
  • They may take more time than other forms of treatment, but in RA they're usually given less often
  • Infusions are given by a trained healthcare professional who is there with you to help manage the process and monitor for reactions
  • Your doctor's office will schedule appointments for both of your infusions, which may be given at your doctor's office, an infusion center, or a hospital
  • Your first infusion usually takes 4 to 6 hours, so plan accordingly. Take something along to help pass the time, like a book or some music
  • There are no special rules for what you can eat or drink before, during, or after an infusion. So consider eating before, or bringing along a snack. Just be sure to check with the facility first that bringing food is OK
  • Remember to review the Vortuxi Medication Guide with your healthcare provider before each infusion

As you begin your Vortuxi® (rituximab) treatment, you may be wondering when you may see results and how long they might last. In studies, people who were treated with Vortuxi also received methotrexate and glucocorticoids, a type of steroid. At the time of their first checkup—8 weeks after their first infusion—many of those people had seen an improvement in their symptoms. And up to 6 months later, many were still experiencing improvement. Individual results may vary.